When Leap Day turns into a once in a lifetime experience...
FREE Flash Fiction (horror) story!
I wanted to write and finish a story on Leap Day.
And so I did. 'Quadrennial' was finished February 29, 2016.
The subject? What better subject to use than Leap Day itself?
Synopsis: When Leap Day turns into a once in a lifetime experience...
You may read this Flash Fiction (Horror) story for free. Click here!
Like it? Spread the word(s)! Send this story as postcard, artprint or (why not?) as a T-shirt to friends and family. Visit my printshop to see all ReadTees.
Alright, so you wonder where the painting, posted above this blog, can be obtained? Click here for all details. (Original painting 120 x 40 cm, created February 29, 2016. Another Leap Day...).