Wednesday, June 10, 2015


The outdoor season is here. Going to present my work at some artfairs and markets. Especially made these 'Rockies'. Flat stones, 15x15cm, painted at both sides. Back side a seahorse, front covered with the Banggai Cardinal, Pterapogon kauderni. Limited edition of nine, handmade artworks.
More details on this lovely fish in my blog; or order prints, mugs, Tees and more i my printshop.

Backside Rockies
Pterapogon kauderni, the well known Banggai Cardinal, painted on flat rocks.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Tropical heat

"Tears of a cloud" 40x40cm, Acrylics & Sand on Canvas.
Painting (or prints) available, again...
Friday we had the first tropical day of the year. It ended with thunder and lightning. As usual. The lightning bolts reminded me of a small abstract painting I had made, named 'Tears of a cloud'. Question was, as usual, where did I put it? Somehow it had found a safe place. It took me a long, long time to find it, as usual...
I know it was shown in an exhibition, guess in Belgium. And i know someone asked me to keep it apart. Well, the date on the back of the painting says '2010', so I guess I've waited long enough.
Sad how some people make promises they never keep. Tears of a cloud suddenly has another meaning...