A Christmas Horror story in which the surplus of
people... Oh, my goodness... Read the story. Christmas will never be the same again!
Friday, December 21, 2018
Saturday, November 17, 2018
This used to be such an important day. The arrival of 'Sinterklaas'. Saint Nicolas, the friend of all children (except for those countries where he is replaced by Santa Claus that is) arrives by steamer from Spain. As is told...
These last few years the event of Sinterklaas arriving in Holland has become the major issue of a discussion about racism.
Black Pete, Cheese Pete, no Pete at all; it doesn't seem to matter any more. Nowadays we can hear Christmas Carols from the day good old Sinterklaas arrives. Well done folks. Put away your red tabard Sinterklaas. There's no place for you in our modern society any more...
[Daily Abstraction 218111701. Painting available].
These last few years the event of Sinterklaas arriving in Holland has become the major issue of a discussion about racism.
Black Pete, Cheese Pete, no Pete at all; it doesn't seem to matter any more. Nowadays we can hear Christmas Carols from the day good old Sinterklaas arrives. Well done folks. Put away your red tabard Sinterklaas. There's no place for you in our modern society any more...
[Daily Abstraction 218111701. Painting available].
Friday, November 16, 2018
Positive vibe
As usual I made this abstraction without a plan. Just started to make a background by grabbing the first bottle of paint I could get my hands on. By accident a few thick pieces of old paint dropped upon the canvas, giving the artwork an additional dimension. And suddenly I felt I was getting into a vibe. One thing led to another; in no time this piece was finished. And boy did it make me feel good!
[Daily Abstraction 218111601. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218111601. Painting available].
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Squeaky wheels get all the grease; big disasters get all attention in the news...
Early November, almost unnoticed by news shows, the beautiful forests of the Italian Dolomites have been struck by a hurricane, leaving trees behind like fallen matchsticks.
Dutch news programme RTL Nieuws showed a video last night in which inhabitants say it will take about a hundred years before the forest will be restored.
[Daily Abstraction 218111501. Painting available].
Early November, almost unnoticed by news shows, the beautiful forests of the Italian Dolomites have been struck by a hurricane, leaving trees behind like fallen matchsticks.
Dutch news programme RTL Nieuws showed a video last night in which inhabitants say it will take about a hundred years before the forest will be restored.
[Daily Abstraction 218111501. Painting available].
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
The first
This is the first attempt to honor all those who feel different and feel different enough not to brag about being the first little green man, woman, or anything in between... to be nominated or even elected as, well, you name it.
I got it. You want to be different. You want to stand out. I wouldn't care that much if I were you; but hey, here it is, your first medal proving you were, and always will be, the first to blow up your mind.
[Daily Abstraction 218111401. Painting available].
I got it. You want to be different. You want to stand out. I wouldn't care that much if I were you; but hey, here it is, your first medal proving you were, and always will be, the first to blow up your mind.
[Daily Abstraction 218111401. Painting available].
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Can't see the stars at night, because the citylights are blocking my view. There's no darkness. There's always light in the city.
But late at night, when I'm walking the dog, I walk underneath the trees. Every now and then I stand still (if the dog lets me...) and I look through the tree tops, where only starlight seems to be shining through.
[Daily Abstraction 218111301. Painting available].
But late at night, when I'm walking the dog, I walk underneath the trees. Every now and then I stand still (if the dog lets me...) and I look through the tree tops, where only starlight seems to be shining through.
[Daily Abstraction 218111301. Painting available].
Monday, November 12, 2018
While the world commemorates the end of WWI; and despite all those great political leaders who stated 'No more!' after all those tragic wars that followed after WWI, wars still linger on.
I guess instead of commemorating the end of war; all those politicians who gathered in Paris yesterday, were commemorating humanity's incompetence to live together in harmony. A tribute to the lack of civilization.
[Daily Abstraction 218111201. Painting available].
I guess instead of commemorating the end of war; all those politicians who gathered in Paris yesterday, were commemorating humanity's incompetence to live together in harmony. A tribute to the lack of civilization.
[Daily Abstraction 218111201. Painting available].
Sunday, November 11, 2018
The smallest of words,
meaning the world to me.
A poem for you...
[Daily Abstraction 218111101. Painting sold].
meaning the world to me.
A poem for you...
[Daily Abstraction 218111101. Painting sold].
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Bring back that sunny day...
Despite the sadness, it's such a great song. Stormy, sung by Greg Walker. From the album 'Inner Secrets' by Santana.
Yep, Santana. Be prepared for some great guitar solos!
[Daily Abstraction 218111001. Painting available].
Despite the sadness, it's such a great song. Stormy, sung by Greg Walker. From the album 'Inner Secrets' by Santana.
Yep, Santana. Be prepared for some great guitar solos!
[Daily Abstraction 218111001. Painting available].
Friday, November 9, 2018
On track
Despite all diversions, I'm on track. Steady working on the things I need to get done. Although 'need' is, once again, an abstraction. As my need is not a necessity; not a 'must need', but a 'want to'.
Things you don't have to do but yet want to do, are probably the best things in life. Especially when you're granted time to do so. Yeahh!!
[Daily Abstraction 218110901. Painting available].
Things you don't have to do but yet want to do, are probably the best things in life. Especially when you're granted time to do so. Yeahh!!
[Daily Abstraction 218110901. Painting available].
Thursday, November 8, 2018
In the turmoil of daily life, we need to focus; need to concentrate to accomplish the goals we want to achieve.
Your goal, your destination in life, is a non existing abstraction you have made up yourself.
Nobody asked you to do the things you do.
Nobody asked you to determine a goal.
Life is just a diversion.
Go for it!
[Daily Abstraction 218110801. Painting available].
Your goal, your destination in life, is a non existing abstraction you have made up yourself.
Nobody asked you to do the things you do.
Nobody asked you to determine a goal.
Life is just a diversion.
Go for it!
[Daily Abstraction 218110801. Painting available].
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Balance of power
Interesting how the top of politics can change so rapidly. A new president in Brazil; Merkel's announcement to leave the German politics and who knows what the midterms will do in the US. Every change will need some time to reestablish the balance of power.
But there's no need to be afraid of things to come. Nothing lasts forever. Not even politicians.
[Daily Abstraction 218110701. Painting available].
But there's no need to be afraid of things to come. Nothing lasts forever. Not even politicians.
[Daily Abstraction 218110701. Painting available].
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
It is said that the euphoria of success will fuel your desire to continue training. I can tell, any itsy bitsy tiny piece of euphoria makes you feel great and willing to pursue whatever you're doing. Today I found a solution to a storyline in a new thriller I am writing. I've been struggling with this storyline for several days when all of a sudden I realized the answer was already there. Glad I'm not the detective in this thriller; missing out clues...
[Daily Abstraction 218110601. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218110601. Painting available].
Monday, November 5, 2018
Volcanoes may be sleeping. They can become active. And all we see is the surface. Until the shell bursts and the inner parts are spitted out.
I feel like a volcano right now. Filled with ideas; new stories waiting to be written. Guess I'll be spitting them out at random. Because what's inside eventually must come out.
[Daily Abstraction 218110501. Painting available].
I feel like a volcano right now. Filled with ideas; new stories waiting to be written. Guess I'll be spitting them out at random. Because what's inside eventually must come out.
[Daily Abstraction 218110501. Painting available].
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Day by day
Slowly working my way up to the end of this first year of daily paintings. Doesn't seem to be much of an effort, but still... it had to be done on a day by day basis (or, as in my case, creating several artworks in advance).
Now that I'm almost there. The number of works becomes impressive. As in writing, creating something almost automatically leads to new ideas. Keeping the process alive...
[Daily Abstraction 218110401. Painting available].
Now that I'm almost there. The number of works becomes impressive. As in writing, creating something almost automatically leads to new ideas. Keeping the process alive...
[Daily Abstraction 218110401. Painting available].
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Anarchy rules
I like graffiti. Sometimes. Although most tags are not that spectacular; some street artists create small masterpieces. Or big ones, as size doesn't always matter.
Lately I saw a text upon a wall. A simple phrase saying: "Anarchy rules".
This, of course, doesn't make any sense. If anyone is expected to reject rules it's an anarchist.
[Daily Abstraction 218110301. Painting available].
Lately I saw a text upon a wall. A simple phrase saying: "Anarchy rules".
This, of course, doesn't make any sense. If anyone is expected to reject rules it's an anarchist.
[Daily Abstraction 218110301. Painting available].
Friday, November 2, 2018
The government of Palau has signed a law that restricts the sale and use of sunscreen and skincare products that contain a list of ten different chemicals.
It´s a fact; the biggest threat to coral reefs is climate change; the second biggest threat is posed by algal blooms (triggered by the runoff of nutrients from sewage and farming). Sunscreen is now seen as one of a number of other, lesser threats including ocean acidification.
[Daily Abstraction 218110201. Painting available].
It´s a fact; the biggest threat to coral reefs is climate change; the second biggest threat is posed by algal blooms (triggered by the runoff of nutrients from sewage and farming). Sunscreen is now seen as one of a number of other, lesser threats including ocean acidification.
[Daily Abstraction 218110201. Painting available].
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Fairytales and rollercoasters
Fairytales and rollercoasters. Been to the themepark 'De Efteling', pleasure for young and old. Famous fairytales and exciting rollercoasters!
[Daily Abstraction 218110101. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218110101. Painting available].
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Close to midnight
It's close to midnight... Oh well, ya know. It's Halloween...
[Daily Abstraction 218103101. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218103101. Painting available].
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Fallen autumn leaves are slowly dissolving. It seems as if they have decided to fall down all at once. Suddenly they're everywhere except on the trees: on the streets, in the pond, on the lawn and in the gutter (sigh, there's work to be done...).
Soon only the leaf veins will remain. If you take a closer look even the paint on this artwork is dissolving, the canvas is already shining through.
[Daily Abstraction 218103001. Painting available].
Soon only the leaf veins will remain. If you take a closer look even the paint on this artwork is dissolving, the canvas is already shining through.
[Daily Abstraction 218103001. Painting available].
Monday, October 29, 2018
When we grew up we all wanted to become a fireman or a pilot. Today all kids want to become famous vloggers; youtubers and influencers. (Mind you, 'famous' is the most important part in this sentence...).
Opinions are great, but whatever you do, always make your own decisions. Don't bother about the titles I give to my artworks. They are only titles. It's up to you to decide whether you agree or disagree.
[Daily Abstraction 218102901. Painting available].
Opinions are great, but whatever you do, always make your own decisions. Don't bother about the titles I give to my artworks. They are only titles. It's up to you to decide whether you agree or disagree.
[Daily Abstraction 218102901. Painting available].
Sunday, October 28, 2018
The first AI generated portrait was sold at Christie´s for a record amount. In fact this piece of art was created by a consortium of three men who ´fed´ the system with 15,000 paintings. The AI generator created a new image based on these paintings. Artists often learn by copying old masters. But this attempt is mastered by three men. So, is it art? Or is it a first attempt of an 'emerging artist' to create something renewing?
[Daily Abstraction 218102801. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218102801. Painting available].
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Friday, October 26, 2018
Fake news
It´s a ´hot´ subject. And it´s all about the truth. The question is: what is true and what isn't? Or, who's faking and who isn't?
The truth depends on the perception of the 'sender' and the 'receiver'. One of the main problems in communication. Any news message contains bits of reality which may be considered true or false; all depending on the way you look at it.
[Daily Abstraction 218102601. Painting available].
The truth depends on the perception of the 'sender' and the 'receiver'. One of the main problems in communication. Any news message contains bits of reality which may be considered true or false; all depending on the way you look at it.
[Daily Abstraction 218102601. Painting available].
Thursday, October 25, 2018
The fourth industrial revolution is here. The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence is unstoppable. A thread to millions of workers who will lose their job. A chance for millions who will find a new, yet non existing, job. This growth of new jobs is based upon the thought that humans have survived thanks to their adaptability. Well... maybe. But as far as I understand AI will develop itself; i.e. AI will find a way. Just like humans used to...
[Daily Abstraction 218102510. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218102510. Painting available].
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Not that obvious
Things are not always what they seem. Writing Thrillers, means I try to convince you to believe what I´m telling you and and the same time I try to confuse you by creating twists in the story that will knock you of your feet. What´s true and what isn´t? To learn the truth of my Thrillers you'll have to read them till the very end.
To understand the truth about the artwork (on the left) you can study it; e.g. is it really green? (Nope; there are blue spots all over). Enjoy finding the truth.
[Daily Abstraction 218102401. Painting available].
To understand the truth about the artwork (on the left) you can study it; e.g. is it really green? (Nope; there are blue spots all over). Enjoy finding the truth.
[Daily Abstraction 218102401. Painting available].
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
On my way

So, here's a little note, just to let you know I'm on my way. (Back to writing now...).
[Daily Abstraction 218102301. Painting available].
Sunday, October 21, 2018
A day at the Zoo
In a modern Zoo, the animals are kept in open displays. Habitats without bars. A great improvement for keeping animals; even though the visitors are having trouble seeing anymals... um, any animals.
Today we went to Blijdorp (Rotterdam) Zoo, where the old constructions, architectural masterpieces, are reused for other purposes like a children's playground. I love it. Old and new 'living' in perfect harmony.
[Daily Abstraction 218102101. Painting available].
Today we went to Blijdorp (Rotterdam) Zoo, where the old constructions, architectural masterpieces, are reused for other purposes like a children's playground. I love it. Old and new 'living' in perfect harmony.
[Daily Abstraction 218102101. Painting available].
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Free speech
Jamal Khashoggi. Just a name. Just a man. A man whose disappearance led to speculations and accusations. Who´s been victimized and idolized. But most of all he´s just a man. Like any other man; woman or gender neutral human being. Longing, demanding and fighting for a basic right in human life: freedom. One of the rights described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed by UN's General Assembly of December 1948 and generally agreed to be the foundation of international human rights law.
So... as we all agreed and accepted this Universal Declaration, isn't it about time we should start living according it?
[Daily Abstraction 218102001. Painting available].
So... as we all agreed and accepted this Universal Declaration, isn't it about time we should start living according it?
[Daily Abstraction 218102001. Painting available].
Friday, October 19, 2018
Autumn foliage
Autumn colours, or Autumn foliage, is a temporary phenomenon caused by the lack of Chlorophyll. This artwork however refers to another suprising phenomenon: a mushoroom known as Chlorophyllum.
[Daily Abstraction 218101901. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218101901. Painting available].
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Oops, almost forgot to post a new daily painting. Just in time however; a lazy picture...
[Daily Abstraction 218101801. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218101801. Painting available].
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Journey through my mind
Inspiration can be found anywhere and in anything. Music you've heard, sceneries you've seen. All kinds of experiences hammered into your mind. Right 'stored into your mind'. Germans say: "Gespeichert" (= nailed into your mind; yikes!).
Anyway. All life experiences are in there somewhere, hidden in this great gift called 'mind'. And creating things is just an amazing journey through the things you keep in mind.
[Daily Abstraction 218101701. Painting available].
Anyway. All life experiences are in there somewhere, hidden in this great gift called 'mind'. And creating things is just an amazing journey through the things you keep in mind.
[Daily Abstraction 218101701. Painting available].
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Every storyline is challenging. There´s no telling where and when it will end. There´s even no telling whether you´re seeing the beginning or the end. And as you can tell it isn´t one, or two, but a multiple layer of storylines, coexisting, interfering, arguing each other. But for sure every storyline will drag you further and deeper into the story. Making you eager to read on. Turn the page and find out how this story will end. Or... does it?
[Daily Abstraction 218101601. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218101601. Painting available].
Monday, October 15, 2018
Late Summer
According the weatherforecast temperature will drop at the end of next week. Uptil then these autumn days are like midsummer. Even have to hide away in the shadow. Nevertheless I managed to get some work done.
[Daily Abstraction 218101501. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218101501. Painting available].
Sunday, October 14, 2018
We throw away 40% of all the food we produce... There are solutions to solve the loss of food; the energy to produce, ship and store food; to feed millions and use fewer resources.
Have a look at the video on facebook.
[Daily Abstraction 218101401. Painting available].
Have a look at the video on facebook.
[Daily Abstraction 218101401. Painting available].
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Hello Goodbye
Hello Goodbye and Hey Jude by The Beatles; those were the first two singles I ever bought. In Holland Hello Goodbye is mostly known for a TV show in which people are interviewed on the airport. People welcoming back their loved ones; or waving their beloved goodbye. Last night's epidsode told the emotional story of a 25 year old girl, diagnosed with cancer. The brave girl said: "Life is not about what you want, but about the things you get."
[Daily Abstraction 218101301. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218101301. Painting available].
Friday, October 12, 2018
Know it all
When I brought my 4 year old granddaughter to school this morning, she noticed one of her friends along the way. "Look it´s Keanu," she said. "And that´s her grandma. Do you know her?" I said: "Yes, I've seen her before."
"No," she said. "I mean do you know her name?"
"Oh, I see. No, I don't."
"I know your name," she said looking up to me.
"You do?" I said.
"Well, of course... your name is Grandpa!"
[Daily Abstraction 218101201. Painting available].
"No," she said. "I mean do you know her name?"
"Oh, I see. No, I don't."
"I know your name," she said looking up to me.
"You do?" I said.
"Well, of course... your name is Grandpa!"
[Daily Abstraction 218101201. Painting available].
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Dream within a dream
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
Of course... a quote by Edgar Allen Poe.
But don´t forget the beautiful record (Tales of Mystery and Imagination, 1976) made by the Alan Parsons Project!
[Daily Abstraction 218101101. Painting available].
Of course... a quote by Edgar Allen Poe.
But don´t forget the beautiful record (Tales of Mystery and Imagination, 1976) made by the Alan Parsons Project!
[Daily Abstraction 218101101. Painting available].
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Glad you're here
Now the leaves are falling
I guess they didn't have much more to say
And with the winter calling
It's gonna be a long and lonely day
And though you'll never make it right
I'm glad you're here with me tonight
Neil Diamond (1977): I'm glad you're here with me tonight. Written by Bob Gaudio & Judy Parker.
[Daily Abstraction 218101001. Painting available].
I guess they didn't have much more to say
And with the winter calling
It's gonna be a long and lonely day
And though you'll never make it right
I'm glad you're here with me tonight
Neil Diamond (1977): I'm glad you're here with me tonight. Written by Bob Gaudio & Judy Parker.
[Daily Abstraction 218101001. Painting available].
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Glorious accident
We are glorious accidents of an unpredictable process with no drive to complexity, not the expected results of evolutionary principles that yearn to produce a creature capable of understanding the mode of its own necessary construction.
Stephen Jay Gould
[Daily Abstraction 218100901. Painting available].
Stephen Jay Gould
[Daily Abstraction 218100901. Painting available].
Monday, October 8, 2018
Sunshine on a rainy day
Don't you just love to see the sun shining through the clouds on a rainy day? Especially as there is a big chance of seeing a rainbow.
[Daily Abstraction 218100801. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218100801. Painting available].
Sunday, October 7, 2018
You and me
What else is there to say?
Cause you and me, is all that matters.
[Daily Abstraction 218100701. Painting available].
Cause you and me, is all that matters.
[Daily Abstraction 218100701. Painting available].
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Bright future
Good friends we have had, oh good friends we've lost along the way. In this bright future you can't forget your past.
No woman, no cry / Bob Marley (1975).
[Daily Abstraction 218100601. Painting available].
No woman, no cry / Bob Marley (1975).
[Daily Abstraction 218100601. Painting available].
Friday, October 5, 2018
Mother of pearl
Mother of pearl; a thin layer of sediment, similar to boulder opal. A nacre coating produced by mollusks, often used in jewelry. Due to pearl farming mother of pearl is widely available. This also explains the aversion to using it: pearl farming is unnatural and often not environment friendly. The pieces used in this artwork are natural resources. Freshwater mollusks eaten by birds. The uneatable shell is left behind, free to use by people like me.
[Daily Abstraction 218100501, Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218100501, Painting available].
Thursday, October 4, 2018
The new continent
Last year a new, submerged continent was found: Zealandia. Isn't it exciting? Even in these days great discoveries are made on this planet. There's still an unknown world waiting below the surface of the seas.
[Daily Abstraction 218100401. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218100401. Painting available].
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
The Truth
All you can see is the surface. Whatever is hidden underneath...? Maybe you shouldn't ask. Maybe you should not even want to know. There is a chance you may find increbile joy.
Most probably you will find sorrow and pain, hidden on purpose. The pain doesn't go away. But neglecting it, trying to forget, helps you to move on. The scars will stay. Forever. Visible or not.
[Daily Abstraction 218100301. Painting available].
Most probably you will find sorrow and pain, hidden on purpose. The pain doesn't go away. But neglecting it, trying to forget, helps you to move on. The scars will stay. Forever. Visible or not.
[Daily Abstraction 218100301. Painting available].
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Had an idea for a new story. These thoughts just pop up and evolve in my mind. However I usually only write down a few words, a basic scheme of what the story may be. My paintings evolve in a similar way. I have an idea, basically an intention of what I will do. Then I start adding texture, additional materials and paint and... Oh well, you know, it just happens. I´m full of good intentions.
[Daily Abstractions 218100201. Painting available].
[Daily Abstractions 218100201. Painting available].
Monday, October 1, 2018
Magical moments
We all know the best things in life are free. But even the things you cannot buy, require something special: luck. Ordinary luck to experience these freebies.
One of the freebies I would love to experience myself can be seen in the video below.
[Daily Abstraction 218100101. Painting available].
One of the freebies I would love to experience myself can be seen in the video below.
[Daily Abstraction 218100101. Painting available].
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Laissez faire
Let the paint do the work. Painting wet in wet, or, as in this case, wet paint in wet sand, requires practicing. Of course you´ll be surprised by the patterns which seem to appear automatically. But whenever possible the painter wants to be in control. Wants to make the paint go into the direction he wants it to go. Well... It´s a fight. A continuous battle between painter and paint. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. The result? Judge it yourself!
[Daily Abstraction 218093001. Painting available].
[Daily Abstraction 218093001. Painting available].
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Feet on the ground
Head to the sky and feet on the ground. Not really having any thoughts on this saying, but I thought it was appropriate as a title for this artwork with heavenly blue colors and terra colored details in the background.
Besides, this saying surely is a great life motto!
[Daily Abstraction 218092901. Painting available].
Besides, this saying surely is a great life motto!
[Daily Abstraction 218092901. Painting available].
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