Saturday, September 22, 2018

Roses are red?

When seasons change, plants change their colors. This pickleweed, growing in salty marshlands, becomes beautiful red. Have a look at some photos of 'the real stuff' below. I'll tell you, not only roses are red!
[Daily Abstraction. Painting available].

Salicornia is a genus of succulent, salt tolerant plants that grow in salt marshes, on beaches, and among mangroves. Salicornia species are native to North America, Europe, South Africa, and South Asia. In Holland we call these plants 'Zeekraal', those of you not familiar with Dutch will probably know it as 'Pickleweed'. And yes, they are eatable.

This is the time of the year this 'green stuff turns into red'. Picture above shows the dunes of 'Kwade Hoek (Goedereede, The Netherlands) with plants like the ones below, changing from yellowish green into red.


From thereon you'll walk to the beach. Passing several remaining pools with some shrimps, crabs and saltwater gobies living in the brackish water. 

Upon the beach you may find some still really green pickleweed; closer to the dunes, in the marshlands and near the tidal pools, most plants have already turned into ravishing red (photo below).

During high tide the tidal pool and the surrounding marshalnd will be flooded.