Genre: Short Fiction
Language: English.
Finished: 19 April, 2016.
Author: Eduard Meinema
Words: 4925.
IRC updated: April 19, 2016.
Vinyed 216.01
Stand Alone e-book ($ 2.99 / € 2.99) available at Amazon and Smashwords
Dirk Roodt loves the beach. He strolls the beaches near his house whenever he can. By occasion he finds a dead body of a porpoise; a small, dolphin like mammal. When the number of dead porpoises is increasing, he comes to the rescue. A lonesome crusade against brutal fishermen who are protecting their fishing grounds. But is he fighting the real enemy?
I like to stroll the beach myself. Usually not that early in the morning though. Never found a porpoise on the beach myself. Mostly many tourists...
A visit to ASEAL, a reserve for seals, and an article in the newspaper about the increasing number of porpoises ending up at the shore made me think.
Or made me fantasize; it all depends how you look at it.
And so is this story.
Just another look.
A creepy look.
List of characters
Characters alphabetical by last name. Nicknames and characters only known by their first name or their last name, are given underneath this list. Unnamed characters are not listed!
- Carol Brunswick - manager
- Hans Custers - Mayor
- Ron Poortvliet - fisherman
- Dirk Roodt - protagonist
- Jan Vandyke - fisherman