416060601 Ameizan [Short, 2016]


Genre: Short Fiction
Language: English.
Finished: 6 june, 2016.
Author: Eduard Meinema
Words: 9193.
IRC updated: 7 June, 2016.

Vinyed 216.03
Stand Alone e-book2 ($ 2.99 / € 2,99) available at Amazon and Smashwords

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A boy’s dream. And apparently a girl’s dream too. Travelling into space to be the first to explore new worlds. When scientists find mysterious rings around a new discovered star and intercept communication; it is a given fact. These are the first true signs of intelligent life. A discovery of unknown alien life offering many talented people the chance of a lifetime. Go wide young man!

This story has been on my mind for quite a while. Can't even recall how I came up with the idea. Who cares. Exploring new worlds is truly adventurous. It used to be, still is and will always be. Takes some great people to risk their lives. One of their names has been reused herein. Triana is said to be the first sailor who reported land in sight during Columbus' travels. Aragon, of course, one of the founders of these expeditions. Dehaene actually is a former Belgian politician. Colby Justin is a mixup of two artists I was listening too, when i wrote this story (Colby Caillet and Justin Timberlake). MacArthur...need I say more, general? Last but not least Georges Remi, the real name of the well known Belgian Hergé; founder / creator of the comic character Tin Tin.

List of characters
Characters alphabetical by last name. Nicknames and characters only known by their first name or their last name, are given underneath this list. Unnamed characters are not listed!
  • Luke Aragon - board tecnician
  • Gus Dehaene - captain (protagonist)
  • Delaware - security officer
  • Hoover - technician
  • Colby Justin - biologist
  • MacArthur - captain
  • Maier - technician
  • Georges Remi - helmsman
  • Sharon Triana - first officer